Sunday, August 27, 2006

Pro Mountain Biker: Unlikely Career Path for Kathrin

One thing is for sure, I probably will never be a professional mountain biker! I had what can only be descried as a pathetic lap this morning. I got up a 4:30am and hit the trail around 4:45am. The first three miles took me forever and I was still trying to identify the root that took Donna out.

There is something very relaxing about riding in the woods, completely by yourself, in the dark. I rather enjoyed it, well until the rain started up. I was between mile 6 and 7 when the rain started this morning. Thankfully I had on an extra layer of clothing and was through most of the technical sections by then. I was inspired by the Cannondale Pro Rider, but could only keep up with her with her for a few meters before she left me in the mud and I lulled back into my biathalon approach to this goes something like this - ride, try to get through tough rocky/slippery root section, spin out, dismount, run through rocks, get back on bike. Repeat 50 times and you have my lap.

It is still raining and we are kind of bummed out, so this may be the end of our race. I am going to take a hot shower and see if I another lap in these legs.



Bob said...

You have proven your mission is successful in spite of all odds. Leave it at that. Everyone is in awe that you would even try it to begin with, and your determination to slug through it in spite of all horrible circumstances is way beyond anyone's expectations. Don't be a fool, go home.

Congratulations to you both.

Bob said...

Accuweather has doubled the volume of rain per hour around 10 - 12AM from now i.e., it is only going to get worse and the skies are not going to clear and the rocks and roots are going to get slipperier.

Donna said...

Kathrin and Stacey, if you're out there, I just wanted to say that you two are amazing. I'm sorry I had to drop out so early. Please continue to be safe and best wishes for a injury-free end of this grueling race. I'm sure this is my last Allamuchy...

Regrets, Dirt Devil Donna ;-(