Saturday, August 22, 2009

Training would have been a good idea

Surprisingly, I have been feeling really good on course. My first lap flew and then I dove into a second. I started to feel the pain of not training about at mile 4 on my second lap. My legs feel good but my neck and back are not very happy with all of the rocks. And there are many, many rocks.

Although it was raining this morning on the way to the race, the rain has held off so far (knock on wood). The course is a wet, but it is really the mud that is making things challenging. It is peanut butter mud out there and it makes your bike weigh about 20 pounds heavier.

Alex and Chad have arrived and I am hanging out with them now and giving my back and neck a break.

Here are a couple of pictures from this car with two bikes on the roof, how cool does that look? and hanging out waiting for the morning rain to pass.


Heide said...

Hello Kathrin,
Chad and Alex should have given you a little massage! Don't overdo it tonight. Hopefully it won't rain too much.
Here in Wolfville everything is calm, no sign of 'Bill' yet. But that might change very fast. We do need rain badly.
Bike savely! MOM

Donna said...
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Donna said...
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Donna said...

Hi Kathrin, I'm sure you have a better training base than you realize. I do empathize with your pain at mile four, especially since that's where that wicked root tripped me in 2006. I hope its not too slippery for you-Stay hopeful!

Anonymous said...

The weather looks like it should be clear for the rest of the morning, for whatever that is worth in terms of predictions.

Hope all is well.