Saturday, August 22, 2009

Off to the Race

I woke up this morning at 1am to the most ferocious thunder storm that I have heard in a while. I am pretending that it was a very localized storm and only really happened in Pennington and that the weather patterns up in Allamuchy are completely different and dry. I can hope right?

I am about to load the car and head to the race. Hope to see the sun once I crest the hill into Hunterdon County!




Anonymous said...

Have fun and please don't kill yourself.
Accuweather says rain at 4, 6, 7, 9,&10 tonight and 2AM 7 and then 1 PM tomorrow. But the worst on the radar might be 7-8 PM tonight.- Bob

Anonymous said...

Weather looking better. The worst now seems to be more East of you.

Heide said...

I hope the weather is better than what they say on the internet. MOM