Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Countdown

There are about 4 hours and 45 minutes until we get underway. It is a rather foggy morning, but that should burn off and get really hot. Pam, Stacey and Jayne should also be on their way and we are all meeting there.

I have got run, my ride, Seung, will be here any second.



Anonymous said...

Good luck, Ladies! We'll be watching you all weekend. We hope your ride this year is less, um, eventful.


Love, The Nightingales

Bob said...

Nice pic. --- smiling faces

Hot, nice, mostly clear weather, rain only at 1 and 6 AM tomorrow. Check personal email for details.

Good luck, and keep smiling

Unknown said...

Good luck on the race. I hope the rain holds off.
